Hid Behind Her Mother Body With Half Of Her Face Already Rotten They’re Both Plead For Help!

Hid Behind Her Mother Body With Half Of Her Face Already Rotten They’re Both Plead For Help! This mother with puppies on the street! One of the puppies has some kind of big wound on its face. You can see that it hurts and the puppy is trembling! The puppy has a big wound on the side that looks like a bite. Maybe some dog has bitten her head and the puppy is now pinched or has a head injury. Her injured is swollen and the wound is festering. The poor little girl kept scratching at that painful and itchy wound only lament to the mother helplessly. This breaks my heart because the mother herself cannot help her injured child. Credit: Помощь Бездомн.Животным Осетия mjx0C24dOohhYmZi #4PawsRehabiliation, #HiddenPuppy, #RottenPuppy
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