打撃対応 塩田剛三(渋川剛気)の合気道 森 師範 八段 Aikido training against modern attacks AikidoYoshinkan AUS Mori shihan

These techniques are not quite completed yet, still developing. Traditionally, Aikido techniques were designed against old style attacks, such as Shomen-zuki (Karate-style front punch) and Yokomen-uchi (side-strike). I believe that we need to keep developing our techniques to suit to the current circumstances. Thus, in this video, I am demonstrating traditional Aikido techniques against modern attacks such as boxing-style punches. I hope that this video can be useful for any Aikido-ka to improve their Aikid skills. このビデオで演武している技はまだ未完成であり、研究中である。合気道の技は、古くからある空手の正面突きや横面打ちなどの攻撃に対
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