...Today is a special day for all of you, is called as Mahabij महाबीज, the day of Mahabij, means all the mantras have a Bija and the Mahabija of that is Omkara himself, Omkar. And in the first place, this Omkara was like an egg – Brahmand ब्रह्माण्ड. They call it Brahmand – the whole Brahma ब्रम्ह becomes an Anda [egg]. Of course when they say Brahmand even Sanskrit people don’t know that they are talking of an egg – Brahmand, the Anda of Brahma, that is the first Bija. And how this Brahma ब्रम्ह, this vibrations, how they were created. In the first place, when the Devi separated from Shiva, before that She had gone round Him as you know, and then Shiva told Her – Sadashiva told Her that, “You have to now create,” and the separation took place. So, He came out of that Pradakshina प्रदक्षिणा, or you can call it elliptical form, and when He came out of it, that created a kind of a sound – sound that had this Brahma in it. So, that Brahma was left in that area. As I have told you that first the Devi went round Sadashiva and created a garland. That garland had covered Shiva in it, like the nucleus inside. But when Sadashiva went out of it, it created a sound and that sound filled the whole of that Andakruti अंडाकृती, means the form of an egg, and that is the Mahabija.
That is the Omkara and that is reborn as Shri Ganesh and later on as Jesus Christ. That’s why at Mahalakshmi’s place come with Mahabija day is a very significant thing. Because Mahalakshmi was the mother of Jesus, Mary, and Her Son was the incarnation of Mahabija. So to come here on such and such date and to do Mahalakshmi’s Puja is a very big privilege, is a great privilege for all of you. And with that privilege you should humbly do this Puja and try to get into that Mahabija – become one part of that Mahabija, which is this Brahmand, the whole Brahmand, Brahma’s Anda – Anda means egg, is created. Be part and parcel of that and not to create any angularity or any kind of a misrepresentation but be homogeneous with the whole Brahma. One has to put attention to your Brahma Shakti which is manifested as vibrations…
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5 months ago 01:06:10 2.8K
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