1986-05-18 е2: condemn the bhoots (Devi Puja, Dourdan, France)
…So the compassion stands in between condemnation and pity. In compassion you have to condemn whatever is wrong, you have to condemn the bhoots, you have to condemn that’s ugliness’s, you have to condemn all that is wrong. So, by that, you see, you make that person see that you do not have appreciation of what he is at all and it is just compassion and no pity about it; because the left-sided people want to be pitied and if you pity them they get even worse.
So to say, “Poor person, poor man”, or a “Poor old lady -- something” is wrong. So when the people who are possessed they start condemning their bhoots, they come up. When they hate their bhoots, they can get rid of them in no time. But sometimes going worse than that, they get identified. Of course to judge it, best is to see through vibrations but you can also see it logically, how we behave towards our possessions, towards others.
Lot of work has been done in India on a very subtle level, I would say, how to get out of the left side. I would say Mahavira was the one who really has worked very hard to give the whole idea of the hell up to heaven, what is the left side is…
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12 months ago 03:05:53 2
Большой сборник песен на стихи Николая Добронравова. Шлягеры советской эстрады
12 months ago 00:01:26 1
Точило наждак ручной. СССР.
1 year ago 00:03:08 1
1986-05-18 е2: condemn the bhoots (Devi Puja, Dourdan, France)