...Now, the central power is the Kundalini. That has to rise and penetrate through different chakras, enter into the limbic area and enlighten the seven pithas – seats of these seven chakras. So, it penetrates through six chakras, enters into the limbic area, enlightens all the seven pithas in the brain which are placed along the mid-line of the limbic area. So, we start it from the back, is placed here, at the back, is the Mooladhara chakra. Around it is the Swadisthana, then is the Nabhi, then the Heart, then the Vishuddhi and then the Agnya. So, all these six centers are combining to make the seventh center. This is a very important point, which we should know. Now, the Shree chakra is the right side working and the Lalita chakra is the left side working. So, when the Kundalini doesn’t rise, then we do with our right side our physical and mental activities. So our brain is doing right-side activity and that’s why our brain is like shreephala.
Sahastrara is actually is assemblage of the six chakras and is a hollow space. On the sides of it there are one thousand nadis. And when the light penetrates into the limbic area, then the enlightenment of these nadis take place and you can see them as flames, very gentle flames burning, and these flames have all the seven colors that you see in the vibgyor. But the last one, ultimately, becomes again integrated and it is a crystal clear flame. All these seven lights ultimately become crystal clear...
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4 months ago 03:14:01 1
Эдуард Хиль. Большой сборник песен
6 months ago 02:48:50 1
Песни на стихи поэта Льва Ошанина. Эстрада 60-80-х