...And you must feel your vibrations properly and keep good health, which you can easily keep. If, at this age, I can work like this, days in, day out, you can also work. You are all very young, or everybody seems to be younger than Me. I am the oldest person here. So if I could do so much, why can’t you?
So one thing you must ask in your prayer in the evening when you are sleeping, “What have I done for Sahaja Yoga?“ One sentence, all of you, just ask this question, “What have I done for Sahaja Yoga?“ Like persons like Me or Shri Krishna or anyone, We don’t even feel We are doing anything. So what can We ask? If I want to ask Myself, I’ll fall into an ocean I think, I didn’t know, I’ll be lost. If I want to analyze Myself, I get lost. If I want to think about Myself, I get lost. Its beyond Me, said let it be done, doesn’t matter. I don’t want to know Myself. But you better know yourself. You can know. You can, not Me. So as far as I am concerned, I only think that as long as I live - I don’t know, I may live forever, I am living forever maybe, you might say that, but whatever it is as long as I’m on this earth I will see that Sahaja Yoga is fully established. This is My promise to you.
He comes on this earth again to establish the religion, but not only religion but Vishwa Nirmala Dharma, which is a much higher religion than the ordinary religion of human beings. Within themselves is the Vishwa Nirmala Dharma we’ll establish in a very short time, I’m sure, on this earth.
So may God bless you.
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