Neurosurgeons have for the first time assessed the dangers of slapping tournaments

Neurosurgeons have for the first time assessed the dangers of slapping tournaments In recent years, “sports” shows in which competitors slap each other with powerful slaps have become popular. The one who scores the most points or stays on his or her feet wins. A group of neurosurgeons from the University of Pittsburgh (USA) for the first time professionally assessed the risks of such competitions, the results - in the journal JAMA Surgery After watching a bunch of similar videos and analyzing more than 300 slaps, the experts recorded the visible signs of concussion (CGM) - from impaired awareness of what was going on around them to a complete loss of reactions - and their frequency. Neurosurgeons identified symptoms of SGM in more than half of the slap exchange series reviewed. Nearly 80 percent of participants showed at least one of the signs of concussion, and in 20 cases, such symptoms reoccurred after the next slap. What about boxing, you ask? That’s different! Source: Global News (EU, USA)
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