Oranj Goodman is making a deliberate debut with “Mineral.” Raised in Seattle and presently writing music between Washington and New York, Goodman finds bliss in the connection and closeness of community. “Strong love for my friends and loved ones, my music and my culture brought me back to the misty Pacific Northwest,” he told Noisey about filming his new “Mineral” music video.
Read more in the Noisey article here:
Goodman- who’s bloodline is Lakota and Irish, grew up in Washington state, where he returned to film the music video. Back at home in Washington, he found a tranquil, undisturbed set within nature. For Goodman, incorporating pieces of his Native American culture and working with a fully Indigenous cast was a sacred and important piece of the “Mineral” video shoot.
Mitchell Carrington Jr.
Nabahe Benally
Seven Morimoto Benally
Christian W. Goodman
Christian W. Goodman