In Tang Lang Quan, technical concatenations are performed 一氣呵成, with a single breath. This has various meanings: for example three or more techniques performed quickly without interruption, like a puff, but it also means that you do not exhale with each blow (as in many “hard“ styles) but only at the end of the attack sequence.
Also in Tang Lang Quan, despite the speed of execution, the blows “listen“. Master Brendan Lai explained this concept as follows: “In other styles when a shot starts it is like a cannon shot, when the bullet has started it can no longer change direction. In Tang Lang Quan the shots are like modern missiles, that when the target moves they also change direction. “
Here Master Yu Hai together with his son shows well this adaptation to the reactions to the opponent by continuing to hit him.
Taken from a Chinese State TV documentary about Master Yu Hai.
IT Nel Tang Lang Quan, le concatenazioni tecniche sono eseguite