1897 Japanese Martial Art Demonstration Of Kendo - Kyoto Japan
Filmed in October 1897 by Lumiere camera operator Constant Girel
Location: Kyoto: Japan
This film shows a kendo demonstration in October 1897. Its participants seem to be involved in a kendo melee rather than a structured demonstration. There are additional weapons to the shinai being used. One combatant uses a sickle and ends up on the ground where his opponent continues to attack. Another combatant appears in the background wielding a large staff using the kendo shinai type grip. The seated Master/teacher seems to be giving some sought of directions to the ensuing chaos.
The upload of this film includes a copy of the film at the original speed as well as a copy in slow motion. Constant Girel also filmed this film in October 1897 “Japanese Sword - Ono Ha Itto Ryu Style”