00:00 - Intro
00:08 - The flight of the Bumblebee
01:27 - Ennio Morricone - The Ecstasy of Gold
04:13 - Profesor Leon Theremin (musical instrument Theremin inventor)
05:47 - Welcome Theremin
07:47 - 15 Jean (part of the concert in Monaco)
13:10 - Goran Bregović - Ederlezi
15:41 - Over the rainbow
18:45 - Clair de Lune
22:33 - Schinder’s List
26:40 - Johann Sebastian Bach - Aria (suite no 3. in d major bwv 1068)
30:29 - Besame Mucho
35:16 - Lacrimosa (Mozart)
38:29 - Scriabin Etude op.2 nº1
Leon Teremin is a Russian inventor, best known for the invention of “Theremin vox“, one of the first electric musical instruments (1920.), which is also the only instrument that can be played without any touch, by influencing with the hands the electromagnetic field created by the instrument.
Theremin players from this video
1. Carolina Eyck -
2. Chez Merzeg -
3. Mihael Jarre -
4. Cihan Gulbudak -
5. Peter Pringle -
6. Grégorie Blanc -
7. Gladys Hulot -
8. Yagosha Cosplay -
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