We of the Cordero Venezuela.Встречаем поэта мира Mariela Cordero Венесуэла
[Mariela Cordero, Venezuela. (1985) She is a lawyer, poet, writer, translator and visual artist. Her poetry has been repeatedly published in various international anthologies. Her work has been awarded the following prizes: the third Prize of poetry of Alejandra Pisarnik Argentina (2014). First prize at the II Ibero-American Euler Poetry Competition, Ecuador (2015). Second Prize of Poetry Concorso Letterario Internazionale bilingual Tracceperlameta Edizioni, Italy (2015) Micropoemas Prize in Spanish III competition Transcalabr@RTE place in the International Poetry Competition #Anniversariopoetashispanos mention of literary quality, Spain (2016). Her books were published in Caracas, Venezuela (2013)and in the publishing house “Two Islands“, Miami, USA (2020). Her poems have been translated into Hindi, Czech, Serbian, Shona, Uzbek, Romanian, Macedonian, Hebrew, Bengali, English, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Polish. Currently, he coordinates the sections #PoesíaVenezolana and #Poetasdel
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