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Hear and get familiar with the sound of these polyrhythms. Let me know in the comments if you want a longer version of a polyrhythm.
4:3 0:00
4:5 0:08
4:7 0:16
3:5 0:24
3:7 0:32
5:7 0:40
120 BPM
1 view
10 years ago 00:11:47 93
Polyrhythms n°II “3 vs 4“ “4 vs 5“
7 years ago 00:04:38 206
4:3 Polyrhythms (in top 40 pop music?!) [ AN’s Bass Lessons #4 ]
7 years ago 00:03:54 13
Drum Lesson. Hard Polyrhythms 5/3 4/7. (Сложные Полиритмы)
11 years ago 00:28:01 13
How to Play 4:3 and 3:4 Polyrhythms on Piano (applied to “Fantaisie Impromptu“)