Inside German Leopard Tank Sent to Ukraine

DOWNLOAD GEMSTONE LEGENDS AND JOIN ME IN ONE OF THE RAIDS Android &pAndroid iOS &piOS Use my link to get $50 worth of rewards for free including an EPIC HERO! This ammo storage on the Leopard is the main point that is seen as a possible problem for the tank. The claim is that if the front of the hull is penetrated in reality the whole tank will go up in smoke. Reports and video evidence show that 10 leopard tanks were destroyed by ISIS soldiers in Syria during one combat engagement. So what happened here? It could be that the Turkish army lacked the correct training and experience in combined arms warfare to deploy infantry around the tanks proximity in order to protect their armored vehicles vulnerable sides. Some versions of the Leopard do not have explosive reactive armor which means the Russian ATGM Kornet with a 600mm penetration rating would easily break through the armor. The Leopard 2 features spaced multilayer armor that comb
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