Corazones Muertos - All The Things

Vídeo released by Cavarecords 2014. O rock argentino que redescobriu o punk. Com mais de uma década de carreira, o Corazones Muertos chega ao Cavarecords colocando o pé na porta e entrando festa adentro com o som consagrado por Ramones, New York Dolls, Sex Pistols e Johnny Thunders And Thre Heartbreakers. Gravado, dirigido e editado por Raul Machado. All The Things - Letra / Lyrics: So sick of you of all the things you do sick of your games all over again You think your special but your not so special your are so cool like your party of fools What I get from you What I get from you All The things you do All the things you do All the things you said All the things goin´around my head No more complains or wasted years no more good feelings like yesterday All I want from you, is to hear you say Cut my fingers, cut my chest I´ll cut your heart and cut your legs What I get from y
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