Chloë Hazle - Face into the Storm: Official Lyric Video. Hard Rock, Classic Rock, Cherry Scream

I wrote this song about overcoming fears and adversity and for me it is still a constant reminder that you have to keep on fighting in life whatever happens; just pick yourself up, dust yourself down, face into the storm and keep going. I think that there are times when all of us feel very low and this song is about moving from a place of sadness and depression to a place where you can stand up for yourself again and move forwards with life. I have been wanting to make lyric videos for my songs for such a long time and finally here is the first one! I am hoping to keep going and work through the rest of the album and then move onto sharing other songs that I have written. If you have subscribed to my channel for my piano compositions and are a bit taken aback by this - well what can I say - I like lots of different types of music and that means that I also write music in lots of different styles. I will keep posting my piano compositions as well! If you enjoy listening to my music
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