Ash of Gods - Release Trailer

Friends! For a long time already we have been together, uo to this momentous moment. Some of you were with us from the very beginning, someone has joined recently, but we are very grateful to everyone for their support and interest in our game, which just became available for purchase on Steam: The three protagonists - the mighty Thorn Brenin, the misterious Hoper Rul, the silent Luo Feng - and their companions are waiting for your decisions, on which the fate of the whole Terminum depends. You can also buy a special Digital Deluxe edition, which includes a stunning original soundtrack from Adam Skorupa, a unique digital 60-page artbook, a comic book telling an important prehistory of Thorn Brenin’s life, a printable A2 poster and some nice extras: Terminum cards and wallpapers for various devices. Studio AurumDust wishes you all to enjoy the game, on which we have worked for almost 2 years! Well, we’ll go get some rest and raise a glass for all of you, and especia
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