Happy {early} Valentine’s Day 2013! ♥
I know what you must be thinking. “Uggghhh. ANOTHER Non/Disney Notebook trailer?!“ What can I say? I didn’t already see a J/R to The Notebook trailer, so I figured I’d make it! Also, Rapunzel has some matching dialogue with Allie. Perfect, right? Especially the “No!“ and the scoff when Noah asks her out XD
Also, I gave you a fair warning this was Jackunzel (if you didn’t already get this from the title of the video...) so I do NOT want anything remotely an
3 weeks ago 01:41:51 1
The Son of Monte Cristo (1940) Swords Flash in the Night! Romance Rides With Danger!
4 weeks ago 00:55:02 1
ZFE : la bombe à retardement sociale - Qui pourra encore rouler demain ?