US speaks up! Russia managed to drop FAB-500 Bombs on Ukrainian troops and ambush NATO artillery

The Russian Ministry of Defense reported via telegram that. on March 13. The crew of the Russian Su-34 supersonic fighter-bomber successfully attacked the fortifications and manpower of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Krasnolimansk and Donetsk directions with FAB-500 aerial bombs. The department clarified that the attack was carried out with FAB-500 unguided aerial bombs, with a universal planning and correction module, which allows precise strikes from a safe distance from the line of combat contact resulting in heavy losses for ukaina forces. American Ministry of Defense. Lloyd Austin told CNN’s American Correspondent. Tim Lister and Frederic Pleitgen, on March 10, 2024 that. The use of the FAB-500 bomb will greatly change the balance of power on the front lines. The use of ammunition seriously weakened the Ukrainian army’s defenses and changed the balance of power on the front lines. Lloyd Austin also said. I believe that if Ukraine loses a full-scale war with Russia, Russia will be for
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