Cat Detective: A Funny Clever CAT Wants To Get Hold of the Ball, Funny Pretending to Die. ASMR
Cat Detective: A Funny Clever CAT Wants To Get Hold of the Ball, Funny Pretending to Die. ASMR
Every time a balloon was filled, a funny cat would fall on its side and pretend to be dying, flirting from side to side, luring prey. The balloon was a coveted prey for the amusement of the cat. The balloon flew through the room until it fell into the hands of the hunter, then violently burst out of the wonderfully tender paws turning into a small flap, being filled up again and released... but it did not last long for a milk-white balloon. The cat’s carelessness cost the balloon of its air life and balloon it became a sad white flap forever.
Кошачий детектив: веселая хитроумная КОШКА хочет заполучить шар, забавно прикидываясь умирающей. АСМР
Каждый раз, когда надували воздушный шар, забавная кошка падала на бок и прикидывалась умирающей, игриво перекатываясь с бока на бок, заманивая добычу. Воздушный шар был желанной добычей для забав кошки. Шарик вертко летал по комнате, пока не попадался в
1 view
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