UFO 搜索者捕捉中国的气球输送系统 - China’s Balloon Delivery System Caught Over California by Civilian UFO Seekers®
The USA military admitted that China was sending spy balloons over America unhindered by the USA military. Beginning in 2017 our team began capturing balloon delivery systems over California. In retrospect, we now believe the balloons originated from China’s military and were delivering aerial spy craft or possibly biological weapons.
After our initial release of this video (Early 2017) the USA military (intelligence agencies) began recruiting Hollywood and the news media (Late 2017) to tell the American Public extraterrestrial aliens were invading the United States. You were told the Chinese military balloons were UAP unexplained aerial phenomena. NASA participated in the propaganda operation claiming military service members were possibly interacting with aliens on Earth. Many news organizations & websites (ex: Outkick, New York Times, Washington Post, Live Science, Fox News, CNN, NewsNation, etc) are still playing aliens with American National Security.
Aliens are not invading the United States.
A foreign military is invading American Airspace.
There is no current scientific evidence of aliens visiting Earth, especially in balloons from space (satelloon), which points our team as serious investigators towards human origin, and in this case, military origins due to the delivery of a high-altitude objects.
We are issuing a warning to Americans; your safety is at risk from objects like this. One of these balloons could deliver a bomb, nuclear bomb, biological weapon, armed drone, or other military weapons of war. Please make your family, friends, and coworkers aware of the situation. Please keep on hand at least two weeks of food, water, medicine, batteries, radios, and any other supplies needed for such a scenario.
Together, we can help break-free Americans who’ve been targeted by the USA military for propaganda, protecting our fellow Americans.
1 month ago 00:05:16 9
UFO 搜索者捕捉中国的气球输送系统 - China’s Balloon Delivery System Caught Over California by Civilian UFO Seekers®