Death at a fencing match: health and safety at the 16th century Fechschule

This historical cold-case has been on my mind for quite some time now, and I felt more people should know about it: it gives a really detailed picture of how the Fechtschule was supposed to function, and what happened when it didn’t. Although attempts to improve the audio setup were made, it didn’t quite work out in removing street sounds just yet, but I hope it will be an enjoyable bit of context regardless. The article on the Dutch HEMA federation website: For early acces to the next video and exercices, consider becoming a patron: 0:00 Intro 1:30 The source material 2:58 What we can learn from the sources 4:09 Medical analysis of the sources 5:25 Common Fechtschule proceedings and injury-prevention 8:47 Conclusions Fencers: Pim Baeten and Oskar ter Mors Sources: ⦁ Tlusty, B. Ann (ed.), Augsburg during the Reformation Era. An anthology
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