Fusion Shadowburn on Keeping His Skills Sharp With B-Team, OWL Stage 4 Return & Brigitte Counters
After making his Stage 4 debut this week, Philadelphia Fusion George “ShaDowBurn“ Gushcha sits down with Akshon Esports reporter Adan Neylan to discuss topics ranging from what he’s been up to for the past few weeks to thoughts on his experience visiting and meeting fans in Philadelphia.
0:21 - What have you been up to?
0:45 - Experience working on a twelve man team
1:09 - Keeping himself sharp
1:50 - Playing Pharah in such a shield heavy meta
2:24 - Should we expect to see more of you now that Pharah is in the meta?
2:52 - Will there be some maps that we see you more on?
3:32 - Balancing playing on live vs for LAN
4:04 - Fan reaction to his return to the competitive stage
4:25 - Thoughts on the trip to Philadelphia
4:41 - Interaction with Philadelphia fans
5:07 - Number of people that showed up to meet and greet
5:27 - What was one of the highlights of the trip?
5:53 - Latenight Cheesesteaks
6:33 - Museum experience
7:38 - Fin
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Fusion Shadowburn on Keeping His Skills Sharp With B-Team, OWL Stage 4 Return & Brigitte Counters