In 1995, forty years after playing Desdemona to Mario Lanza’s Otello in the Warner Bros movie Serenade, Licia Albanese was in Philadelphia to atten...Люсия Альбанезе .1995г. через 40 лет после роли Дездемоны в “Серенаде“ рассказывает о работе с Марио Ланца
7 years ago 00:31:11 4
Lindsay Perigo interviews Licia Albanese
7 years ago 00:15:31 6
Lindsay Perigo on the Beat Goes On.
6 years ago 00:33:30 2
Mario Lanza’s conductor, Constantine Callinicos, interviewed by Lindsay Perigo.
6 years ago 00:09:25 1
Lindsay Perigo interviews star tenor José Carreras (Part 1)