Brawl erupts in Kosovo parliament after minister throws water at prime minister

A brawl erupted in the Kosovo parliament after an opposition politician spilt water on prime minister Albin Kurti while he was speaking about government measures to defuse tensions with ethnic Serbs in the north of the country. Some Kosovo opposition parties have criticised Kurti’s policies in the north that have strained relations with key Western allies. Unrest in the north has intensified more recently since ethnic Albanian mayors took office in northern Kosovo after April elections that the Serbs boycotted demanding implementation of a decade-old deal for more autonomy. Ethnic Albanians make up 90% of Kosovo‘s population, while Serbs account for about 5%. Watch more here at Independent TV Click here to subscribe to The Independent: About The Independent: Making Change Happen. The Independent is the world’s most free-thinking newsbrand, providing global news, commentary and analysis for the independently-minded. Connect with The Independent: Check out our full video catalog: Videos, daily editorial and more: Click here to get the best of The Independent daily: Like The Independent on Facebook: Follow The Independent on Twitter: Follow The Independent on Instagram: Download the iOS & Android app: Help to support truly independent journalism. Every dollar you contribute will directly fund additional special reports and investigations from a free-thinking, award-winning newsroom you can trust - Subscribe to Independent Premium for exclusive content & live events:
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