Rossini: Semiramide Carnegie Hall New York 1964 Sutherland, Horne, Malas, Cross Bonynge REPOST

I TAKE ABSOLUTELY NO CREDIT FOR THIS RECORDING. Some background info: This was originally posted by a channel on YouTube who posted many live recordings with various artists and remastered them. They would put art of composers as their video portion (like I put photos of the opera performance, they put art of the composer). Sadly, this channel has vanished off of YouTube. I do not remember the name of this channel. HOWEVER, I have saved the audios of Joan Sutherland that they have posted remastered while they were still up. (Semiramide New York 1964, Semiramide Scala 1962, Norma Vancouver 1963, and Beatrice di Tenda Napoli 1962). I’ve left them all in their original quality and am willing to repost them all. Here’s the 1964 Carnegie Hall, New York performance of Semiramide. The original channel said they repitched the audio and remastered the sound quality. (Also, photo is from the 1965 Boston Semiramide, not from this performance) Enjoy! :) Cast: Semira
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