100 years Piazzolla. Tango Etude n°3 for solo bass clarinet. Marco Antonio Mazzini

This is my homage to the great Astor Piazzolla, born 11th March 1921. A revolutionary man, he was clearly ahead of his time. His music is still performed all around the world, captivating new generations. I share with you my version of Piazzolla’s Etude N°3 with bass clarinet, a very beautiful yet challenging piece. It was a lot of fun to make the recording and the video. Thank you all for your support and if you like the video, consider to share it! Video created by Giulianna Casas (thank you so much for your creativity!). For clarinetists: I use Tosca bass clarinet by Buffet Crampon, with an ICON neck. The bell is made by Royal Global. My reeds are 3.5 Vandoren V12, with B40 mouthpiece and Optimum ligature. Suscríbete a mi canal en YouTube: @Buffet Crampon @Naxos En Español @Henleverlag @VANDORENTV
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