Finlandiya Tatarları belän interview – VIII Tatar Yäşläre Forumı (VIII World Forum of Tatar Youth)

Finlandiyada yäşäwçe kaderle kardäşlärebez belän tiz arada gına (alar kitär aldınnan tönge säat berlärdä bu) istälekkä video töşerep kaldırgan idek. ?Latin yazuı turında ukırga: ►Т%... ►В%... ?Yañragan cırlar: Yabalak - Tanımasam da sagındım Başkarma - Soñlama, kil inde Başkarma - Kaytuıñnı sagınırmın This is a little interview with my Tatar friends from Finland about the Tatar language, how they preserve it, etc. We also did a little experiment reading a sentence in Tatar with Finnish and Kazan accents. Thanks for watching! Give it a big thumbs-up in case you liked it and share it with your friends! And be sure to S U B S C R I B E! ;-) ►VK:
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