*Click ’SHOW MORE’ button and check the event*
Hi Archeans!
Today, we are going to introduce our main essential material, Archeum!
Take easy and compact explanation by this guideline video and enjoy more.
Moreover, we still have event to get Premium Dairy Moo Lamy ballpoint.
Join this event and get more gifts!
[3rd, [Archeum Guideline] video Event]
- Event Period: from May 23rd to May 29th
- How to Participate: After checking out the [Archeum Guideline] video, please press ‘like’ button
and leave a cheering or anticipating comment for us! Make sure you subscribed ArcheWorld official YouTube channel.
- Event Reward: [Premium Dairy Moo Lamy ballpoint pen] (total quantity: 10)
- Winner Announcement: Winner will be announced on June 2nd(Thu) on the ArcheWorld official
Discord channel.
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