Crispy Cheese Tacos | TACOS DORADOS | Simply Mamá Cooks

Today I am making crispy cheese and onion tacos for lunch. The tacos are simple and the filling is versatile. This is gonna be good! Welcome to Simply Mamá Cooks YouTube Channel! I am a Mom to a blended Korean / Mexican American family that loves to share what I cook in my home. I am still learning and enjoy the process of making home-cooked food. #simplymamacooks #tacos 🔴My COOKBOOK HERE 🔴 🔴MERCH HERE! 👉🏼 👕 *FOLLOW ME* On my Other Social Media Platforms 👉🏼 ________________________________ 0:00 Intro 0:11 Ingredients 0:55 Making The Tacos 2:19 Toppings _______________________________ ⭐️ EASY RED SALSA ⭐️ CRISPY CHICKEN TACOS ⭐️ TACOS DE NADA (Potato Tacos) INGREDIENTS 4 oz (113 g) pepper jack cheese 2 to 3 scallions 8 to 1
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