One of the largest secret projects under joint command of the SS and the SIII under General Kammler took place in and around the Jonastal Valley in central Germany. It involved enormous underground tunnels, bunkers and vertical missile silos, and testing of nuclear bombs. Over 30 thousands of prisoners were excavating tunnels in the valley but that is only the top of the iceberg. Hidden in the mountains valleys and under the nearby towns are tunnels, research and connecting tunnels, the extent of this operation is still unknown. At the center of these munitions plants and weapons testing facilities was the huge proving grounds where according to GRU reports and many eyewitnesses several nuclear bombs were tested. I will try to present the picture for you as I am my fellow historians take you through the towns and fields describing what was there and what is hiding underground. And still today strange things happens there, spies and cover-ups. I suggest if you have not seen them yet, watch my p
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