Everyone knows that when it comes to performing impossible missions you can only call the best. In this case, there were none available and they had to resort to Cheap Led, famous pilot and bounty hunter currently unemployed.
The mission consists of entering THE TUNNEL (Badajoz galaxy to the right) and collect the 10 Cylinders of PODEWWWR, enough to bribe the GOD OF THE TUNNEL and not destroy the evil-universe of video games.
You will control the IMPOSSAMAL ship, which looks like a bouncing ball but no, it is something super technological and if you press down (or shoot) you make it bounce at a lower height. Try not to prick yourself with the spikes or bump into the bad balls or lasers. Break blocks to move forward and fight your way with the key cards you find.
You have 10 lives, being able to recharge along the way. Remember, there are 10 cylinders of PODEWWWR... Not one more, not one less. Give them to the GOD and run the way you came before the TUNNEL explodes.