CheeseCake [Void Spirit] Show His Style Ganking First Item Orchid Dota 2

Wellcome Pro and non-pro video channel! This is my first gameplay video with Void Spirit Midlane. My experience in Dota 2 is more than 30 thousand hours. “MAKE DOTA GREAT AGAIN“ Ставьте лайки и комментируйте! Мы всегда будем благодарны за ваши отзывы! Like and comment! Your feedback is always appreciated! Subscribe to the channel for its rapid development, raise your skill and be the best. Поднимай свой скилл и будь лучшим. Связь со мной: vk: Subscribe my channel for more top content midlane gameplay heroes! Valve - Dota 2 monetize video policy
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