Ghost Pilots SNK Neo Geo

Ghost Pilots is a vertically scrolling shoot ’em up arcade game released in 1991 by gameplay is straightforward with elements similar to that of Capcom’s 194X games. Unlike most scrolling shooters, the vehicle is a seaplane instead of a spaceship or airplane. Stage : 0:00​ - Intro 0:47​ - Stage 1 7:35 - Stage 2 11:06 - Stage 3 14:59 - Stage 4 18:44 ​ - Stage 5 22:30 - Stage 6 26:50 - Stage 7 31:01 - Stage 8 35:44 ​ - Stage 9 40:33 - Stage 10 45:39 - Stage 11 51:23 - Stage 12 59:25 ​ - Stage 13 1:06:37 - End
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