Pilots, Doctors, and Scientists share their knowledge and what the have learned about the nefarious act of Geo Engineering/ Strategic Aerosol Spraying/ Weather Modification/ Chemtrails. Very informative. Share & like this video to get the word out.
Chemtrail Bible
Informative Documentaries.
What in the world are they spraying?
Ben Livingston - Weaponized weather 3 parts.
Ex Government Employee talks about CHEMTRAILS 5 parts
Aerosol Crimes 1998-2016 Documentary 8 parts
Short videos
On/Off Chemplane. Rainbow Poison.
EPA Admits to Sprayin
...g Chemtrails and its Harm to the Environment.
Chemtrail/Contrail Plane’s on off spray 5/10/11 NJ
Chemtrails ON-OFF
CONtrail vs. CHEMtrail - San Francisco
Scie chimiche su Woodstock nel 1969
Ghost planes - Chemtrails planes fly with transponder Off or with electronic countermeasures On
Chemtrails on demand caught live! Proof of clandestine aerosol
These are not contrails! See the altitude!
Unidentified airplane with identifying marks removed
Air Pollution Alert! Airborne Filament fibers Nanoparticules Shower Chemtrails
Admitting the idea of chemical spraying/geoengineering
David Keith on Colbert Report Admitting to Geoengineering
Aerosol Climate Engineering program costs 5 Billion a year.
Walt Disney Propaganda Film on Weather Control using Cloud seeding and HAARP
United States Aerosol Patents
United States Patent 3899144
Spraying the Skies: 1975 U.S. Patent for Powder Contrail Generation
Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming
Sorghum aluminum tolerance gene, SbMATE (Aluminum Resistant Seeds)
Extensive patent list
Anti-Spray Websites
GeoEngineering Watch
The Carnicom Institute
Chemtrails 911
Chemtrail Central
Air Crap
Tanker Enemy
Air/Soil Tests
Chemtrails - Lab Report On Air Grab Thru HEPA Filter
Chemtrails - Shocking Phoenix Air Quality Test Results
How to test
Mainstream French Newspaper Covers Toxic Climate Engineering Fallout
Air plane manager statement/witness
An Airline Manager’s Statement ... 5-22-00: Show more