Liszt: Christus COMPLETE

Franz Liszt’s oratorio: Christus (complete) - 1862-1866. Part One: Christmas Oratorio - Introduction (orchestral) 00:00 and Annunciation 15:52 Mater speciosa (’Stood the beautiful Mother’) 24:49 of the Shepherds at the Manger (orchestral) 40:14 Three Kings(march, orchestral) 52:19 Part Two: After Epiphany Beatitudes 01:08:05 noster: The Lord’s Prayer 01:18:28 Foundation of the Church 01:28:00 Miracle 01:33:09 Entry into Jerusalem 01:42:13 Part Three: Passion and Resurrection est anima mea (’Sad is my soul’) 01:56:14 Mater dolorosa (’Stood the grievous Mother’) 02:10:52 13.O filii et filiae (Easter hymn) 02:17:11 ! 02:49:41 Performer: Klára Takács (Mezzo Soprano), Robert Nágy (Tenor), Sándor Sólyom-Nagy (Baritone), László Polgár (Bass), Veronika Kincses (Soprano) Conductor: Antal Doráti Orchestra/Ensemble: Hungarian State Orchestra, Hungarian Radio Chorus, Nyíregyháza Children’s Chor
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