To live the life you desire, outer situations are not the real obstacles; the limitation lies in the limiting thought patterns you carry. All of us carry a set of restrictive beliefs that stop our expansion and hold us back from creating the life we desire. These thought patterns are what is called Karma, and overcoming this Karma is the key to manifesting our true potential.
Welcome to Paramashivoham Level-3. Today’s curriculum will enable you to achieve a profound karmic breakthrough and overcome all self-limitations to manifest the life you truly desire.
Join us today, as the Supreme Pont
...iff of Hinduism will bless all Paramashivoham participants at the end of the day with a live appearance, answering prayers and bestowing blessings upon all.
Please note that completion of Paramashivoham Levels 1 and 2 is a prerequisite for attending Paramashivoham Level-3.
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