TEDxVorobyovy-Gory - Larisa Pautova - People of the 21st century in the city 2.0
Larisa Pautova - Director of the regional program “FOM-TERRY“, Public opinion fund
Obviously, the next generation of people forms today. These people are independent from dogma, stereotypes developed by previous generations. Maybe, these people can be free in spite of all the dogmas and stereotypes. People for the City 2.0. Are they already born? How old are they now? How should they built the future of the City 2.0?
On the 27th of May the conference TEDxVorobyovy-Gory on the theme of City 2.0 was held as a part of the XVI International Exhibition of Architecture and Design “Arch-Moskwa “. It was supported by the curator of the exhibition Mr. Bart Goldhorn and the general information partner - online news portal .
The speakers - representatives of intellectual, scientific and professional elite -- expressed their vision of modern metropolis, revealing a number of actual topics: the use of Web 2.0 techniques to identify broad contexts and new meanings of the citizen’s life ;new perspectives of the phenomenon of the modern city and lifestyles; presentation of perspectives of the urban environmental development; understanding of psychological comfort in the city; the feasibility of the city 2.0 in Russia, the existence of people who may be regarded as representatives of the city 2.0
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