DPP: Motion Capture Workflows in Cinema 4D – Week 1
Fundamental Motion Capture Retargeting Techniques
In this first session, we’ll be covering fundamental motion capture skills and concepts, including motion capture retargeting, the Character Definition and Character Solver tags, reference poses, baking keyframe animation onto your rig, motion capture sources and more.
00:00:00 Waiting Loop
00:00:52 Welcome
00:01:35 Intro Joe Herman
00:03:28 Housekeeping
00:06:58 Today’s Theme
00:09:36 Retargeting Session, Introduction
00:12:02 __ Types of Motion Capture
00:12:38 Q Where to get the Project
00:13:40 __ ROKOKO, two cameras
00:15:33 __ Import Motion Cpature, formats
00:17:47 __ Retargeting, differences, Hand
00:20:14 __ T-Pose, importance, position
00:22:36 __ Character Definition Tag
00:26:20 __ Extract Skeleton
00:27:42 __ Create a Solver for Retargeting
00:29:03 __ New Source Character
00:30:03 __ Not retargeting; names are off
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