(1984)(Original Karaoke Mix Version)

Lyrics by Takashi Matsumoto Composition/Arrangement by Eiichi Ohtaki Mixed by Kentaro Takeda [] 渚に吹く風が涼しすぎるね プールサイドへと陽が傾向く 波を見てくるわって ビーチに消えた 君を探しに行く気もない 白い寝椅子の上に 薄い paperback ページの端を折って 投げ出したままさ 最後のシーンまで想像つくよ 避暑地で逢えた 君がヒロインなら 君が夢見るほど 素敵じゃないさ ただの脇役だよ ぼくなんてね 手のひらに氷のかけらをのせて 溶けてゆくのをじっと見てた ここで出逢った事を悔やみかけた 風がページを飛ばす 物語の中 最後のシーンまで想像つくよ 真夏のペンが綴る ロマンスなら ありふれた終わり方なら ぼくなりに書き換えたいね 渚に吹く風が涼しすぎるね プールサイドは人気もない 波を見てくるわって ビーチに消えた 君を探しに独り歩き出すよ タ映えに影をひいて English) The wind blowing on the shore feels too cool, The sun leans towards the poolside. As I watch the waves, You disappear into the beach. I don’t feel like going to look for you. On the white sun lounger, A thin paperback, With folded corners of the pages, Left discarded. I can imagine the scene until the end. We met at this summer resort. If you were the heroine, It wouldn’t be as wonderful As you dream. Just a supporting role, That’s all I am. Placing ice fragments on my palm, I watched them melt quietly. I almost regretted meeting here. The wind blows the pages, Within the story. I can imagine the scene until the end. If this were a romance Written by a midsummer pen, If it ended ordinarily, I’d want to rewrite it in my own way. The wind blowing on the shore feels too cool, There’s no one at the poolside. As I watch the waves, You disappear into the beach. I start walking alone to search for you, Casting shadows on the sparkling surface.
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