Put on shoes,
Swimsuit in bag
Glasses on face,
Money in hands
The problems go away,
I’m leaving the parents
Good bye my hometown
Hola el mundo
And I’m flying tu-tu-tu Hey!
Right to the Holiday!
My plane to take off
New York is waving a wing
My smartphone is off
Forget about all
Hello sun and palm trees
Hello to the sunset
Back to the sea,
I’ll be back.
And I’m flying tu-tu-tu Hey!
Right to the Holiday!
And I’m flying tu-tu-tu Hey!
Right to the Holiday!
And I’m flying tu-tu-tu Hey!
Right to the Holiday!
And I’m flying tu-tu-tu Hey!
Right to the Holiday!
Full video
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#kidsong #babysong #childsong #songforkids #songforkid #songforbabies #songforbaby #songkids #kidssong #kidsvideo #kid
#диляради #диляра, #дилярад #диляради #dilara #dilaradi #dilarad
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