SHANGHAI PATTERNS - Ania Losinger - Xala III, Mats Eser - Marimba/Percussion

ANIA LOSINGER   XALA III MATS ESER   MARIMBA / PERCUSSION EXTRACTS FROM THE CD-RELEASE CONCERT-PERFORMANCE HELD ON JANUARY 21 2015 AT THE BEE-FLAT PROGR IN BERNE “…Losinger and Eser direct a storm of images which irresistibly attract us . It flows and falters, it sweeps and rolls and yes, it rocks.” Shanghai Patterns, generated during a process of conversion and translation of the artists’ trip to Shanghai, is conceptualized in a seamlessly designed visual dimension. The stage appears to shine in blue-green Chinese silk and during the performance the lights dim slowly as though glinting through the pall of smog of the megalopolis. The brand new electro-acoustic Xala III is the city stage. On this magical sounding board, Ania Losinger tells the tales of the city using six foot high wooden poles, flamenco shoes, a fan and her hands to create sounds, gestures and movements. These are tales of gloss, megalomania, workaholism, a fast-paced lifestyle, hope, poverty and dirt woven together to
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