Rob Hoskins will speak at the National Conference in Russia in June 2016

Rob Hoskins is the President of OneHope and Chairman of the board at Oral Roberts University (ORU). He serves key global church and political leaders as a thought leader, ideator, connector and innovator in all things missions. He has a passion for helping leaders incorporate best practices through effective Ministry Design using Outcome Based Ministry models. He also specializes in designing and developing effective philanthropy and stewardship methodologies. Rob holds his gifts and passions loosely… freely sharing with others who are Kingdom-minded. Rob is an ordained general-appointed missionary of the Assemblies of God Church. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from Vanguard University in Costa Mesa, California and is pursuing his Doctor of Ministry degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He also serves: • Co-founder Visual Story Network (VSN) • FOBAI and FOBA-NA (Forum of Bible Agencies International and North America) • Advisory Board for the Lausanne Strategy Working Group • Chairman of Global Evangelism Network’s GEN Evaluations Initiative Committee • Serves on City Movement Committee (with Kevin Palau) • Serves on Editorial Board of Ministry Today • 2005 John Maxwell Leadership Award
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