Chris Beresford Think Tube “Dude Forgot to Strap in His Dang Board!“

RED ALERT–лучшие райдеры в одном проекте!Фильм о российском сноубординге студии WEARE2012prod. при ген.поддержке бордшопа Сквот Блог - Спонсоры:СКВОТ,TIRTYTWO,DAKINE,APO,LIL KINGS,CAPITA,TERROR,SMOKIN,PHILIPS,ASHBURY Chris Beresford shreds everything and killed it for Mind The Video Man. Begin forwarded message: “Chris Beresford is either forgetful, lazy or on to something new, either way (and however many straps are buckled) he’s ripping in this Think Tube clip. #mindthevid
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