EP91 TRY IT!!! Chicken Coaster Crochet | DIY

Chicken Coaster Crochet | DIY Crochet Materials: Hook, Yarn, Needle, Scissors Crochet Project: Chicken Coaster Related Techniques and Abbreviations: Slip knot, ch (chain), slst (slip stitch), dc (double crochet), dc inc (double crochet increase), sc (single crochet), st (stitch), sc2tog (single crochet two together) VIDEO CHAPTERS: 0:00 Part1_Row1 0:23 Part1_Row2 1:33 Part1_Row3 3:04 Part1_Row4 4:19 Part1_Row5 5:40 Part1_Row6 8:31 Part2 10:08 Part3 10:52 Part4_Row1 11:24 Part4_Row2 11:39 Part4_Row3 10:03 Weave in ends #crochet #diy #CrochetwithDrTai #coaster #easter
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