Pozdrav Suncu Zadar (Monument to the Sun or The Greeting to the Sun is a monument in Zadar )
Another excellent architect’s installation, this time portraying man-nature collaboration.
This mesmerizing structure is made up of 300 multi-layered glass plates that gather solar energy during the day and produce a beautiful shoreline light show immediately after dusk.
These installations are a feast for the eyes, ears, and nose.
Još jedna izvrsna instalacija Nikole Basica , koja ovaj put prikazuje suradnju čovjeka i prirode.
Ova očaravajuća struktura sastoji se od 300 višeslojnih staklenih ploča koje prikupljaju sunčevu energiju tijekom dana i proizvode prekrasan svjetlosni show na obali odmah nakon sumraka.
#zadarcroatia #zadar #pozdravsuncu
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3 years ago 00:01:01 1
Pozdrav Suncu Zadar (Monument to the Sun or The Greeting to the Sun is a monument in Zadar )