6 Count Footwork / How to Dance West Coast Swing Pt 1

In Part 1 of the Beginners guide to West Coast Swing, we cover the 6 Count Footwork Rhythm. The first basic rhythm of West Coast Swing is a 6-count rhythm. This footwork rhythm is used in most of your patterns throughout West Coast Swing, and is where we’re going to start. The 6 count rhythm looks like: Walk, Walk, Step 3 Times, Step 3 Times [or] Slow, Slow, Quick-Quick-Slow, Quick-Quick-Slow [or] 1, 2, 3&4, 5&6 The most important thing to remember is that followers always start by stepping onto their right foot on count 1 (and end on their left foot on count 6), and leaders always start by stepping on their left foot on count 1 (and end on their right foot on count 6). See the full Beginners Guide to West Coast Swing here:
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