Virtual Skipper 5 VWC, Protest Jammin x Ilya

Ilya to leeward of Jammin at the mark, with Kokos on their inside (after tacking in the zone), and several boats following right behind. When Ilya and Jammin was side by side and 1 boat width apart, Ilya released her sails. As a consequence, her mast went straight up and hit Jammin’s mast which was heeling over her boat. There was no justification for Ilya to slow her boat down at this position. By releasing her sails and hitting Jammins mast, Ilya did not sail within recognized principles of sportsmanship and fair play. Ilya broke RRS 2 and is disqualifed in the race. Jammin was initially keeping clear before this action. He broke RRS 11 as a consequence of another boat breaking a rule and is exonerated. Do you agree with this or do you have a different opinion?
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