Falco, Nitsch and Me

Falco´s last live personal interview with me at the Pentecost Picnic 1997 FALCO, Austrian singer, songwriter, composer, still alive ! at a personal talk-situation with a springtime-trip to Hermann Nitsch “PFINGSTFEST in PRINZENDORF“.... Pentecost Picnic 1997: I asked FALCO, whether he knew any rich Austrian citizens who built nice villas in the Dominican Republic and who should purchase some of my paintings for their homes. Falco said, that the really rich live in Southern France , which is another “Baustelle“ , meaning that is something more upper-class, different kind of people than those in the Dominican Republic.... He told me that he would still need to build up his living structures and the “residencia“, residence permit for himself. FALCO expressed the opinion that the famous 80-year-old Austrian painter Ernst Fuchs would be something for the people there... I asked him if he still had the 4 red paintings by Hermann Nitsch (the artist with the grey beard in front of the blue truck)
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