This Week in Volcanoes; Unrest at an Alaskan Caldera, Semeru Erupts

Right now, there are 49 volcanoes actively erupting on the planet. This was marked by the second largest volcanic eruption of the year, as the Semeru volcano produced the largest pyroclastic flow in more than a decade. In Iceland, the Grimsvotn volcano had its alert status raised from yellow to orange. Meanwhile, in Alaska, a large caldera system known as Okmok showed signs of unrest. This volcano produced one of the largest eruptions in human history and should be watched closely. This video will discuss these volcano related news stories, as told and analyzed by a volcanologist. Special Thanks: @Brace_spirit81, @xiexietong, @oriza51042555, @BNPB_Indonesia (all on twitter) If you would like to support this channel, consider becoming a patron at
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